14 A Wondrous Life Moment

There is something about the way that we meet people along the road that is almost surreal! We met Becki, mother of Kendall who works out with Cat back home, at Harbor Mountain Coffee House in McAlester, OK for a sandwich. She is perky, like Kendall. We began getting acquainted when another woman came in with her daughter. Becki jumped up and they hugged and talked, hadn’t seen each other in a while. Then Becki turned toward us and said, “These are my friends from California, Pat & Cat.”

The gal said, “I used to live in CAlifornia, I went to school in Fullerton.”

Cat said, “My best friend, Ann Smith went to school in Fullerton.”

The gal said, “Anne smith was my best friend”. Then she took off her sun glasses and said, “Kathy, is that you Kathy Welch?”

OMG, these two were Sorority Sisters at San Diego State University. It was hugs, tears and memories as Ann had succombed to Colon Cancer in 2009. More stories of times past and more tears.  WOW, hard to believe.

Becki gave us a tour of McAlester that included the house where Kendall grew up. Becki and her husband, Ken, own Willburton National Bank. He’s hard at work but did help direct the tour via cell phone. What nice people.


Tears of Joy

Sorority Sisters

Becki, Ryan, Cat & Pat

4 Responses to “14 A Wondrous Life Moment”

  1. There are no coincidents according to “The Celestine Prophecy” !!

    • Pat says:

      Awe you two, you’e so right. some how, some way there is a reason and there is no such thing as chaos, there must be a plan. Still trying to figure that one out!!! Love you guys……….

  2. Adrienne & Jack says:

    Wow, What a small world.

    • Pat says:

      It is such a small world. We seem to have a penchant for finding coincidence. A guy pulled up in a pickup just as rain, lightening and thunder filled the air. He jumped out and said, “You’re the Patterson’s.” Thought he’d met us but no, he just read our names on the bags. Good joke then as we talked we learned that he’d lived on Pierpont Beach near our SHACK for 12 years. AMAZIN’ as Huell would say!!!

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