28 Nose Dive, Balloon Fenders and “The Mick”!

Riding along in almost sauna conditions we came upon a car that must have been dropped from heaven? Buried nose down, it was a pretty affective ad for an Auto Body Shop. Then a graveyard of old cars with a front line of late 40s early 50s balloon fender pickup trucks.

Nose Dive

Balloon Fenders

At the High School in Commerce, OK, there stands a statue, a memorial to “The Mick”, Mickey Mantle. It says, A Great Classmate under his full name. Just out of high school, he was signed by the Yankee’s farm league. He was 19 when advanced to the BIGS. After a slow start he went on to become the HOME RUN KING. A hero from middle America back when I was just a kid!

"The Mick"

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